“Healing will occur naturally in the body if it is given what it truly needs.”
Eli English’s goal is to empower you through naturopathic coaching so you can make important decisions about your own life and healthcare.
Eli English, ND graduated from Clemson University with a BS in Chemistry, Clayton College of Natural Health with a PhD in Naturopathy. Eli utilizes the Q9 Quantum Biofeedback System during her consultations.
The Q9 Quantum Biofeedback System, now entering the third decade of its development, and leading the field of Bio-Energetic and Bio-Response measurement, is the accepted standard for the application of Quantum Biofeedback. It is the latest and most up-to-date technology that takes a multitude of different stress reduction programs and merges them into a simple, well-rounded approach. The FDA has registered Q9, our latest and most advanced Biofeedback Device, as a Class II (exempt) device.
Quantum Biofeedback, working through sixteen different electrical factors of the body, calculates combinations of impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, and resistance for Electro-Physiological Reactivity. The body is indeed electric; therefore reactivity in the body can be measured electrically.
E-P Reactivity results are based upon the ability to establish a "Tri-Vector" connection for an energetic "3-Dimensional" view of the client's current reactions to over 12,000 different items. All accomplished completely independent of user influence to help avoid bias or error. The picture painted by the reactions may help to create a better understanding of the individual factors pertinent to lifestyle and wellness.
The Q9 Biofeedback System functions in a multitude of ways, it can send signals to measure and record electro-physiological reactions to a multitude of items, re-educate certain muscles, nerves or organs or it can retrain areas of the body / mind to healthier patterns. Everything in this world -- and probably the whole Universe - has a frequency that will improve it, a frequency that will harm it and frequencies that will cancel all harmful frequencies. If you use the helpful frequencies, you can improve any part of your body. The Q9 finds these frequencies and sends them to you. It includes frequencies that encourage bacteria, Candida, fungi, mold, parasites, prions, viruses and more to cease replicating (reproducing) so that infections can clear up. We do not include frequencies harmful to humans, animals or plants. Instead we include frequencies that will counteract or cancel all frequencies harmful to humans and animals.
The Q9 Biofeedback System is by far the most comprehensive biofeedback system on the market today. Pre-designed stress reduction protocols may be used, or programs can be designed to meet the specific individual needs of each client. There are hundreds of different training programs that may be used back-to-back in limitless combination’s to obtain optimum results.
The techniques and methods of Quantum Biofeedback stress reduction include addressing areas those most typically affected by the stressors of "every-day living". Some examples of these methods and areas are the "tri-vector", "auto-meridian", "auto-frequency", "auto-color", "auto-spinal", "chakra", and brain wave pattern relaxation.
The Q9 Device is connected to the client via a head strap, and wrist and ankle bands.
Possible side effects of Q9 biofeedback include an increase in joy, happiness, courage and peace of mind!
Check out Eli's Bitchute Channel here: www.bitchute.com/channel/ygnJwTIv8Qg1/